Contact Us


(02) 9654 1436





4a Nelson St.

Kenthurst NSW 2156


Office Hours

8am - 4pm

Online Enquiry

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Daily Program

We provide a varied and balanced program, which reflects the needs and interests of the children attending, and is in line with the Early Years Learning Framework. The Framework's vision is for all children to experience play-based learning that is engaging and builds success for life. (
Through a balance of structured play, exploration learning, and directed group participation, the children in our care can best develop as whole and complete individuals, ready to go on to the challenges ahead of them at school.
The program includes activities that promote the social, emotional, cognitive, physical and creative development of each child. There are frequent opportunities for warm, friendly interaction between staff and individual children, and between groups of children and staff.
An indoor and outdoor program are provided daily with a mix of active and passive activities for small and large groups and individuals. These include creative arts, gross and fine motor, musical experiences, singing, stories and other language experiences, dancing, lending library, gardening, cooking and science.


We value diversity and demonstrate respect for culture, language and religious beliefs.
Parents are encouraged to be involved in the classroom. Examples of involvement may include:
  • assisting with special days, such as Preschool Olympics
  • Australia's Biggest Morning Tea
  • dress up days
  • assisting with school readiness activities
  • sharing a skill, hobby or profession
  • sharing a morning at preschool with your child


We aim to have open communication with parents about their child's progress at preschool. Parents are welcome to observe their child at play. More in-depth discussion and longer observational periods can be arranged with individual teachers as required.
The program includes experiences aims at developing skills for a smooth transition from one class to another and from preschool to "big school".



Sample Daily Routine


8.15am - 9.00am
Children arrive
9.00am - 10.15am
Indoor Play (winter) / Outdoor Play (summer)
10.15am - 10.30am
Transition between Indoor / Outdoor
10.30am - 11.50am
Outdoor Play (winter) / Indoor Play (summer)
11.50am - 12.45pm
Group Time - Music / Language / Story / Dancing / Singing
12.45pm - 1.30pm
1.30pm - 2.15pm
Rest / Library / Quiet time
2.15pm - 3.30pm
Activities / Group time indoors or outdoors (depending on weather)
3.00pm - 3.45pm Children go home